“Try as he might, the adorable puppy doesn’t falls for his tricks”
German shepherds are known to be very intelligent dogs. They’re very observant, have exceptional hearing, and are experts at reading body language. Even as young pups, they are very clever and are already mastering the skills that will take them through life.

This adorable 3-month-old puppy named Smitten is living proof of just how smart German shepherd puppies are. As little and cute as Smitten looks, the dog already has mastered some important training commands.
On this day, the owner and Smitten are working on his release command, “free.” Only this time, his owner tries to trick the tiny puppy into responding to the wrong word as the video is recorded. The viral video was shared on TikTok, where Smitten already has over 37,000 followers!

His owner said, “His release command is free and I’m trying to trick him.” The question is, will Smitten be fooled?
As you’ll see, the puppy sits there, ears pricked listening for “free,” as his owner rattles off the wrong commands to see what Smitten will do. Smitten listeners carefully to the following similar sounding words but never moves from his spot:

The puppy isn’t fooled! He doesn’t miss a beat and proves to everyone he knows exactly what his release command is.
His owner writes:
“3-month old and already can’t be tricked 😉 I am so proud!”
Who wouldn’t be proud? The dog is brilliant, and his owner is obviously doing a great job with training.

We hope you enjoy this adorable video and hope you’ll share it with your friends.