“The dog jumped into action and was not about to let the little boy out of his sight”
When five-year-old Jose Munoz wandered away from his Houston home while his mom unknowingly slept in the other room, thankfully he had his best fur friend by his side.
On a normal Saturday afternoon, Jose and his mother, Jasmine Martinez, laid down to take an afternoon nap. Apparently, little Jose, who has down syndrome, woke before his mom and silently got out of bed and decided to go exploring on his own.
As soon as mom realized he was gone, she called the Houston Police Department and started searching for the boy. Thankfully, Jose was found safe and sound walking on some railroad tracks about a half-mile from the family home. The family’s one-year-old faithful German shepherd, Alejandro, was by his side.

As reported to KPRC news by Jose’s sister, Samantha Munoz:
“Alejandro been very protective of them ever since he joined the family. We got [the dog] when he was a baby. I was not surprised when they said he was walking with him the whole entire time.”
There is no telling what the dog and Jose encountered between the home and where they ended up but certainly, the loyal German shepherd did everything a herding dog would do to protect the child.
Even after the Houston Police Department located Jose and were giving him a drink of water, the dog stuck by the child’s side to make sure he was safe. According to the Houston Police Department:
“The dog knew he had to go with him because he was doing something he was not supposed to do,” HPD Sgt. Ricardo Salas told KPRC.

Even when officers moved Jose to the air-conditioned patrol car, Alejandro, followed by jumping into the car with him:
“I sat the child in my patrol unit so he could get some AC, and I looked back and the dog jumped in the patrol car,” Salas said.
Thankfully, this story had a happy ending for both the child and the dog because things could have easily turned out much worse. No charges were filed and Jose’s mother, who feels terrible about the ordeal, plans to install some locks so that Jose can’t wander off on his own again.

Please feel free to share how this dog jumped into action to protect this child when he needed to.