“These two buddies are more than adorable – even if the lab has to suffer another ambush lol”
It’s good to have a friend that takes you as you are and always welcomes you. In the case of these two buddies, it’s a German shepherd and a Labrador retriever who love to hang together.
All is well in the neighborhood and Oden the German shepherd is waiting for his buddy to show up in his front yard so that he can rush him, just like a kid.

He finally goes outside and intently watches as his friend makes it to his front yard. Then the German shepherd rushes him, tail high – let’s play but I’m in charge!
The two dogs play a bit and run around. They are super adorable and obviously play this game all of the time. They seem to be having a blast together.

But, then the viral video ends. It’s hard to know what makes a video go viral but in this one, the adorable Odin received almost 42 million views!
Those were good days for Odin and his lab friend. And, very special memories for all of his fans. Sadly, Odin passed away next to his household kitty friend, Leroy, last March.

In a video about Odin’s new ramp, his owner announced his passing. He had just received a new ramp and was sharing how he was planning to teach Odin how to use it and about some challenges he was having.
His owner had high hopes for the ramp and was looking forward to teaching Odin how to walk on it. Apparently, Odin hadn’t been feeling well and was slowing down. He was having trouble getting into the truck and on the bed.

Obviously, no one was expecting Odin to close his eyes for the last time that day. They were expecting that he’d learn to use his ramp and get to enjoy some of the things he loved again. But sadly, it wasn’t meant to be.
Which makes this fun video all the more precious. Watching a dog in their prime, running around and enjoying life, it seems impossible that they will one day go to the Bridge. Sadly, a sad fate for all of our canines, no matter how much we wish it to be different.
We hope you enjoyed this sweet video. As always, please feel free share with your friends.