“Some German Shepherds are picky eaters but this one has a refined palate!”
Some German Shepherds are picky eaters but this one has a refined palate!
Jade the German Shepherd loves food. In this video, she’s going to review the yums for German Shepherds everywhere, so they’ll know if they’re worth eating or not.

In her review, the first food she samples is a raw, juicy rib steak. Since Jade gulps the entire steak down in under 5 seconds, it’s safe to assume she gives it two paws up.
The next item on the menu is half of a banana. Jade gives it a sniff and barely a taste before deeming it unworthy to eat. Two paws down, way down.

Now that she’s been offered fruit, up next is a green vegetable. She’s offered a stalk of raw asparagus. Perhaps not her favorite food, but she eats the healthy veggie like a good girl. Maybe only one paw up for this food.
Coconut is up next. And, much like the banana, Jade gives it a hard pass. She must be saving room for the next offering. Two paws down.

Spaghetti noodles are the next item on the menu. Who can resist delicious pasta? Not Jade. She gobbles up the delicious noodles as quickly as she can. It even looks as if she’d like a second helping-two paw up for noodles.
Now that she’s had her carbs, this girl needs more protein. So, the next thing on the list is roasted chicken. Apparently, chicken is right up there with rib steak because she devours it in no time at all. Two paws up.

Corn on the cob is the next item on the menu. Not only does she enjoy her corn, but she also nibbles it right off the cob. With each bite she takes, you can hear the crispy kernels and it is hilarious to listen to her eat it. She even licks up every last morsel. Two paws up for fresh corn.
An entire quail is offered next and the little fowl is no match for Jade’s jaws. She chomps it up and like magic, it’s gone. It’s safe to assume the quail is as yummy as the rib steak because she’s nearly inhales it. Two paws up for quail.

She must be getting full, but Jade’s not done sampling yet. Now it’s time for some more vegetables but this time it is broccoli. She eats the broccoli raw with no hesitation although she doesn’t seem very excited about it. Broccoli only gets one paw.
Celery with peanut butter is next and it seems she prefers to lick the creamy peanut butter off the stalk before she decides that she’s willing to eat the celery. In the end, she does eat it but doesn’t finish it all-who can blame her? Half a paw for celery.

Roasted pumpkin is next and that is way better than celery, judging from the way it vanishes from sight in a second. Two paws up for pumpkin.
If Jade could talk, she’d say the rib steak was her favorite. Followed by the quail and then the chicken. Out of all the vegetables, pumpkin seemed to be her favorite. She seemed as if she could take or leave the others. Meanwhile, she’s not a fan of bananas and coconut.

What are your dog’s favorite foods? Would they eat everything that Jade does? Tell us in the comments and be sure to share this video with your friends.