“Due to the thick smoke, the firefighters couldn’t find the kids. But the flames didn’t stop this German shepherd from rushing inside to save his family.”
The black and white spotted iconic Dalmatian is usually recognized as a member of the fire department but when this house in Florida was burning to the ground, it was a German shepherd that saved two young lives that night.
One night, Chip Dover called the Seminole County Fire Department to report that there was a house on fire and that the back of the residence was being destroyed by flames. When firefighters arrived on the scene, the back of the home and part of the backyard were engulfed.

“We were outside with my telescope, looking at Jupiter with my next-door neighbor,” Dover told TODAY Parents. “We were getting ready to come in when we heard a big explosion, and the house just blew up. We ran over there immediately, and it was burning like crazy, and then we realized the family was still inside.”
But before the fire department arrived, Dover and his neighbors immediately flew into action. With their help, a couple, Margo, and Brent Feaser were able to escape. However, to their horror, their two young children were trapped inside.
The couple tried to return to the home but by that time, thankfully, the firefighters were now on the scene and quickly entered the home to save the kids. But they immediately ran into trouble. The smoke was so thick that they couldn’t see, and time ran out.
That was when Maxx, the family’s brave German shepherd dashed in to help. Maxx risked his own life and ran right into the burning house and led the firemen to the couple’s two small children, a 2-year-old and 4-year-old.

Without the help of Maxx, things certainly could have ended much worse. The couple and their two children were all seriously injured in the fire but luckily were stable at a local hospital, all thanks to their loyal dog.
Hero Maxx was also injured and hospitalized at the vet for smoke inhalation. Maxx is certainly the embodiment of the German shepherd breed…brave, loyal, and willing to lay down his life for the family he loves.
His actions that night saved the life of his family and helped keep the firefighters safe and able to perform their dangerous job more quickly. The fire and sheriff’s departments are all grateful to Maxx. The Sheriff’s department was especially thankful because Margo was one of their own:

“We are grateful to the neighbors who jumped into action, and we especially thank the firefighters who selflessly entered the burning structure and risked their lives for the Feaser family,” said Sheriff Don Eslinger in an SCSO press release. “There is a long road of recovery and rebuilding ahead, but our Sheriff’s Office family will be with Margo and her family every step of the way. We know our community is behind them too, and we appreciate the tremendous outpouring of support the family has received.”
Maxx is such a good boy and deserves all the treats. His family will never forget what he did that night and will be forever grateful. As always, please share his story with your friends.