“This military dog received the surprise of his life”
This military dog doesn’t know it yet, but everything in his life is about to change.
Bakk is a military working dog who has been serving in South Korea. He’s about to retire and be reunited with his former handler who is living in the United States.

As he is loading up in his crate to take his last trip on a military transport plane, he’s excited and surely wondering where this journey will lead him. He’s been on deployments before so there is no telling what is going through his mind.
But this time will be different. His previous handler, Technical Sargent Dustin Cain of the United States Air Force, is waiting to welcome him into his new life. All thanks to American Humane, who helped arrange the transport to his retirement home.

Once back on United States soil, Bakk still had to travel across the country to get home. But he had a nice cushy ride and was accompanied by Dr. Lesa Staubus, a Veterinarian with American Humane, who took him shopping for a nice comfy bed before the trip.
Bakk needed some extra tender, loving care because he had a torn cruciate ligament. But that didn’t stop him from getting to enjoy the countryside he had been protecting and he even saw a rainbow and experienced a snowstorm.

Bakk wasn’t a candidate for surgery to repair his ligament, but he still had a life to live. So, he was going to retire with his previous handler who had spent a year with him in Korea. Sargent Cain always missed Bakk and was looking forward to adopting him one day.
Finally, the day came, and Sargent Cain and his family traveled from Mountain Home Air Force Base to Boise, Idaho to be reunited with Bakk. He brought some of Bakk’s favorite toys with him, and now all he had to do was wait for the big moment.

Finally, Bakk went through the door and lit up when he saw his old friend. His joy was obvious, and it is heartwarming to see. He immediately made friends with the entire family, and they were soon on their way home.
After serving in the military for 7 years, Bakk’s new job is being a family companion. What a special good boy. We thank you for your service and wish you a long and healthy retirement. Please share his story with your friends.