“This sweet K9 has protected hundreds of thousands of people, according to the department that loves her”
She kept hundreds of thousands of people safe and now she’s ready to retire.
The UW Police Department in Madison, Wisconsin is wishing K9 Maya happy tails. After 10 years of faithful service, Maya is retiring and enjoying a party in her honor.
Maya has worked hard to keep her fellow officers and community safe for seventy dog years. On June 16, 2023, she was celebrated and given a big send-off by her department, who made sure Maya knew just what a good girl she is.

Maya will be missed by her department who took to Twitter to document her bittersweet last day on the job.
“Today is K9 Maya’s last “on duty” day at UWPD. After 10 years of service, she’s retiring. Maya — THANK YOU for your countless hours of work. Your tireless efforts kept hundreds of thousands of people safe — here on campus and beyond. Enjoy retirement, sweet Maya!!
Maya was even crowned with a tiara, although the hard-working dog hardly lived the life of a princess. Rather, the hard-working dog is credited for protecting her fellow officers, the community, and getting bad guys off the streets.

The department shared lots of pictures of Maya’s retirement party. She looked pretty happy over all the attention she was getting even though she probably doesn’t yet understand that her life of fighting crime is now behind her.
The UW-Madison’s K9 Unit is comprised of four K9 teams. Each team has a specialty and can be seen at various times and events around town. Three of the K9s include explosive detection K9s and are also trained in human tracking. The explosive detection K9s can also be seen providing security at large events.
The K9s also respond to suspicious item calls, and bomb threats, and provide a variety of other services. Another team specializes in narcotics detection and is most frequently utilized on traffic stops.

All of the K9s are certified annually by the North American Police Work Dog Association and live with their handlers. The K9s love to interact with the community and play an important role in keeping the community safe.
We wish K9 Maya happiness in her retirement and thank her for her loyal service. We hope you enjoyed watching her send-off. As always, please feel free to share with your friends.