“This guy may not be the best guard dog but he is the most adorable”
German shepherds are herding dogs. They are naturally protective and alert, ready to protect their family and warn them of potential danger. Well, most of them, anyway…
Meet Strider the German shepherd. Strider is not your typical German shepherd. Rather than guard his house, he’d rather chillax outside and observe the clouds as they float by.

The adorable Strider loves to lay on his back in the sun and watch the world go by. The cute dog even wears the silliest toothy grin when he’s on neighborhood watch duty, too. Not even a bop on the nose can disturb his zen.
That is until his family gets home. Then Strider is on point. Be barks and runs toward them, making a big ruckus. He wants to be sure he hasn’t inadvertently allowed an interloper to breach the perimeter. But, once he realizes it’s just Mom or Dad, everything is okay again.

He can now go back to doing what he does best. Lounging on his back in the grass, enjoying the sunshine. Resting that much is a hard job but someone’s got to do it. And, when he’s not doing that, he’s busy holding down his nice, soft bed inside the house.
But it’s not all rest for Strider. He is a German shepherd after all. And, that means he is an attentive boy. So, when Dad has a cough, he’s very concerned. He barks and whines, clearly showing Dad that he’s distressed.

For all that hard work and concern, he gets lots of love and pets. He even gets a relaxing massage on his head and ears. It’s exhausting work being on neighborhood watch all the time and he needs all this attention to keep his skills sharp.
Strider is an adorable dog and a delight to his family. Like all German shepherds, he is loving and loyal. Even if it doesn’t always seem like it, is very aware of what’s going on around him. He may look like he’s not engaged, but you can bet that he doesn’t miss a thing.

He’s such a sweet boy, too. Don’t you just want to walk past him to see what he’ll do? We hope you enjoy his adorable video. As always, please feel free to share with your friends.