“After they gained the abandoned dog’s trust, they had to hoist him up 20’ of concrete and over a fence to safety”
Dog rescue is not for the faint of heart. Every day, all over the country, countless dogs need help. Thankfully, some true heroes walk amongst us that face the challenge head-on, they strike back, and save countless vulnerable animals.

In this harrowing video, the rescue Hope for Paws gets a call about an abandoned German shepherd trapped in the Los Angeles River. The dog can’t escape the riverbed and will surely die if someone doesn’t help it.
In the weeks leading to the discovery of this dog by Hope for Paws, the community along the river provided the dog with food. Thankfully, someone finally brought the dog to the attention of some people who were willing to help.

There would be challenges with this rescue as the Los Angeles River is a concrete-lined watershed that runs through industrial and residential districts, refineries, freeways, and even rail lines. Getting to the dog and getting the dog up and out of the river would be two problems that would need to be overcome. Fortunately for this German shepherd, Annie Hart from the Bill Foundation offered to help with the rescue mission.
The river is 55 miles long and there was no river access for miles anywhere near the dog. So, the plan was to have a rescuer climb down a concrete wall and bring the large dog back up. They were ill-equipped for the challenge but not about to give up.

The drop into the river is 20’ feet down so the rescuer made the descent alone. On the first attempt, the ladder broke. Not to be deterred, they repaired it with a leash and tried to climb down again, this time with success.
From the riverbed, Biggie the German Shepherd watched his rescuer with concern not wanting to scare him, his rescuer was patient and offered him food in hopes he would get more comfortable and eventually trust him.

While they tried to get close to the dog, a cage was lowered to the riverbed. Finally, the rescuer was able to carefully leash the scared dog, it was then the dog seemed to realize they were there to help him.
Biggie allowed himself to be placed into the cage and for a few harrowing minutes, was pulled up the ravine wall to safety. Once safe on higher ground, the dog went on to receive the care he needed and live out the rest of his days in his forever home.

All of this was made possible by Hope for Paws, the Bill Foundation, and all the kindhearted people who spend their lives saving dogs. We hope you enjoyed this rescue story. As always, please feel free to share with your friends.