“How their dad plays with them is just too cute for words”
There is not much cuter than a litter of German shepherd puppies and these fluffy cuties do not disappoint.
The little fur balls are 8-weeks-old and super adorable. They are clearly having a blast. They’re at that stage where they are nothing but furry bundles of fun. They are having the time of their young lives, entertaining their soon to be new owners while they’re at it.
On this day, what has captured the puppies’ attention is their dad! He’s playing with his kiddos in the most adorable way. Running and rolling around on the ground with them, the family is having such a great time together while people watch.

Their kennel set up is pure puppy heaven, too. They have artificial turf and lots of toys and challenges, plenty to keep growing puppies entertained. What puppy doesn’t love balls and softies galore? These are some lucky pups definitely soon going home to some lucky owners.
Everything in their environment is for their enrichment and will build their confidence and keep them busy. From the tennis balls to puppy sized agility equipment, they have the coolest digs ever.
Right now, these little pups are primarily interested in playing, eating, and chewing but soon enough they’ll be growing up and doing a bunch of big dog stuff. They are still so very little they can barely carry a tennis ball but it’s more than adorable when they try.

Puppies are just so much fun. It goes by so fast and there is so much to do in that short window of time. From getting big enough to go to their forever homes, meeting their new families, and learning all sorts of new things, they soon will be super busy growing up to be good dogs.
Their lucky owners will be busy with these handfuls, too. Anyone who has owned a German shepherd knows how busy and curious a new puppy is. Lots of work but worth every minute of it, German shepherds are just the best.

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