“It doesn’t matter how feisty this puppy gets, her dad is so gentle and sweet with her”
What is cuter than a German shepherd puppy? A German shepherd puppy playing with their adorable dad!
German shepherd puppies are adorable little balls of energy. From their crazy puppy ears to the tip of their tails, they are pure cuteness in motion. Only stopping to rest to sleep, eat, or potty, they are so much fun.

If you’ve ever raised a German shepherd, then you can appreciate their energy. They have tons of it, even as young pups. They always want to have fun and live to play and get into anything they can get their mouths on.
In this case, it’s the dad who’s on the receiving end of Zoey the playful puppy. Bravo the German shepherd is laying on the living room floor by the couch while Zoey zooms circles around him, enticing him to play with her.

These two have probably already been at it and dad is trying to take a little break. If Zoey is anything like the average puppy, she won’t quit trying to play with her dad until she passes out from exhaustion.
Zoey pounces, bites, and begs her dad to play with her. She doesn’t stop nipping at him with her tiny shark teeth. She taunts her dad, enticing him to get up and run around with her. She is irresistible because soon enough, dad obliges her.

As the two dogs rough house in the living room, it’s clear they are having a blast together. They are so lucky that they get to share these special times as father and daughter. They clearly adore each other, too.
They play bite, chase, and wrestle with each other. But, all the while, dad, who was a therapy dog, is gentle with Zoey even though she’s not so gentle with him. He takes it easy on her but she’s feisty and doesn’t take it easy on him.

Bravo is clever and even tries to distract Zoey with toys, but the excited puppy isn’t having it. She would rather bite and chase her dad than any old toy. And she does. Round and round they go, Zoey is always willing to chase dad, wanting to have fun.
The two dogs are super sweet together and could not be any cuter. Sadly, sometime after this video was taken, Bravo passed away. We’re just lucky that his family is willing to share these special moments with us. We hope you enjoyed it. As always, please feel free to share with your friends.