“This sweet little boy is the luckiest kid to be loved so much by his dog”
Bedtime routines are helpful for both dogs and humans. Relaxing and falling asleep after a familiar little ritual is always comforting. But, 4-year-old Alexander has the sweetest bedtime routine we’ve ever seen.
Alexander just may be the luckiest 4-year-old around. The little boy’s best friend is a German shepherd named Baron. Baron and Alexander are inseparable, and that includes getting ready to go to sleep each night.

Each night at bedtime, Baron barks to be let into Alexander’s room so that he can wish his little friend sweet dreams. But that’s not all, before he does, Alexander and Baron say their prayers together and then Baron tucks the little boy into bed.
But first, Alexander kneels next to his bed and Baron is right there by his side, paw on the bed, saying his prayers with him. When their prayers are over, Baron then tucks Alexander into bed. He even covers the little boy with blankets and turns out his light for him.

When he’s done, Baron then finishes his nightly chores. He helps pick up Alexander’s toys, loads the dishwasher, and gets the coffee ready for the next day. He’s such a smart and helpful pupper.
Since Baron is a German shepherd, it’s no surprise that he loves to work. How lucky for Alexander that his best friend is such a clever dog who will always have his back and protect him, not to mention help him clean up.

Surely, while Alexander sleeps, Baron has one eye open, on alert to protect his family during the nighttime. His job of being a loyal protector and companion never ends for this working dog. And Baron wouldn’t have it any other way. He loves family, especially his best friend Alexander. The two are so lucky to grow up together and we’re sure as Alexander grows up, he’ll realize even more just how special his dog is.
In the meantime, the little boy receives such a sweet goodnight from his special dog. Then the next day is full of fun before they repeat it all over again. We hope you enjoyed their adorable video, please share it with your friends.