“Do you like music? Well, Rambo, the German Shepherd Dog likes music! When his dad pulls out his guitar, Rambo gets so excited he tries to play it too”
Ask anybody with a German Shepherd Dog and they will tell you just how vocal they are. They remind me of the Northern breeds, like Siberian Huskies, Malamutes, Samoyeds, and the like; because all these dogs make sounds that you just… do not hear leave the mouths of other dogs.
Whining, whistling, grunting, roaring, growling, howling, barking, huffing, and puffing. They sound like a Hollywood noise machine that they use to add on sound effects! But if you’ve got talent, you better use it! So, what does Rambo do with his naturally noisy inclined nature? He does his best at singing along to his dad playing guitar.

Surprisingly, he stays on tune and rarely misses a beat. It makes sense, German Shepherds are one of the most intelligent dogs on the planet. Mastering the art and science of music is no challenge when compared to their natural mental abilities and gifts. All in a day’s work, Watson!
Rambo is very lucky to have been raised by his dog parents. Because as a gifted vocalist, he must be ecstatic that his mom and dad have so many instruments all in one room. He’ll never have an excuse not to drop a new single every few months!
Rambo is not a one-trick pony though. He doesn’t just throw in the towel after achieving Grammy-worthy performances. He’s a complex and a good boy. He’s a devout family dog and also has other videos of him playing with the family. Playing catch, fetch, jumping around like a fish out of water because… well, why not?

Just be careful when his feet lift off the ground. He’s a big boy, and if he lands on your foot or accidentally bumps into you, you are in for a world of pain. Albeit accidental pain on his part. Mistakes happen, forgive and forget, right?
But don’t forget what I said before, Rambo is a versatile dog, just like all German Shepherd Dogs should be. He sings, he plays with his human family, and he can even soar through the air. But even that wasn’t good enough for him, so he also decided to become the best dog brother to another dog!
That’s right, Rambo has a German Shepherd Dog brother named Brock. Rambo is a busy, busy dog who doesn’t know the meaning of the word “bored.” And he definitely isn’t boring!

This video is super cute, and as always, if you like it, please don’t forget to leave a like and share this article. It helps way more than you know. Thank you!