“This sweet pup was so excited about the baby before it was even born”
This sweet German shepherd is excitedly waiting for his baby brother to arrive. While he waits, he’s busy helping dad get all the baby stuff ready!

Argento is about to become a big brother for the first time. He’s so excited, he can’t wait to meet his new baby and is helping dad build the crib, learn to read and do all the doggy stuff he can before his new little bro arrives.

Fiannnalllllly the day comes when he meets his baby brother for the first time. It’s love at first sight for the dog; he can’t get enough of the baby and excitedly watches everything the baby does.

He’s such a happy pup and wants to be part of everything having to do with the baby. Does the baby need a bottle? He’s on it. Diaper change? He’s there. Do his tiny hands need to be licked, that’s the job for Argento.

There is nothing that sweet dog isn’t willing to do for his new baby bro and wants nothing more than to always be close as possible to him. He watches over every move the baby makes and stays close to his crib when he’s sleeping.

As the baby gets a bit bigger and can sit up on his own, it’s a happy time for Argento because now they can start playing. They share toys, roll the ball to each other, and even go on walks while the baby is pulled in a wagon.

The adorable baby probably doesn’t yet realize how lucky he is to be loved by such an amazingly loyal and loving dog. But as he gets a little bigger, the two will share many hours playing and loving on each other.

They will share many firsts, the baby’s first steps, his first fall, his first word, and the first time he gets to eat solid food, which will undoubtedly make Argento super happy, too. There are so many wonderful adventures that the two of them will enjoy together.

But for now, the dog and his baby boy are content with what they have. A friendship that started before the baby even came home from the hospital. Their bond is so special and so heartwarming to watch.

We hope you enjoyed their sweet video. As always, please feel free to share with your friends.