“Sometimes you just need the help of your best friend”
German Shepherds are smart, but did you know they can even do the job of your dentist if you need them to?
This ten-year-old little girl has a problem. Her tooth has been loose for three months, but she’d been unwilling to let anyone pull it out, including her dentist.

The tooth was making everyone crazy, including making mealtimes dramatic. Her dad was over the situation and so was she, finally. So, they came up with a plan to get rid of her loose tooth once and for all.
All they needed was help from her 5-year-old German Shepherd, Panzer.
Panzer is happy to help Sidney take care of her situation. He’s a working dog after all. Loose teeth are not a challenge for such smart dogs. They know they can be easily removed with no problem.

According to Sidney, all you need is a German Shepherd that knows and loves you, a harness, and some dental floss. Then you simply “lock and load the rocket,” which entails tying one end of the dental floss to the harness and the other end to the loose tooth.
Once that is done, you get into position. Panzer goes in a down stay, while Sidney stands behind him. Once she’s ready, Panzer is released to chase his ball. As Panzer runs after it, the dental floss gets caught and then yanks the tooth out.

Doesn’t this seem much easier than letting the dental professional do it?
Thanks to Panzer, three months of loose tooth drama was now behind Sidney. As the tooth sailed through the air behind the dog, Sidney must have been as relieved as her parents that the ordeal was over.

Her tooth was finally gone, and it was seemingly painless. All she had to do now is wait for the tooth fairy and her next loose tooth, which hopefully won’t be hanging around as long as this one did.
This may not be the best way to pull teeth, but it worked for Sidney. We hope you enjoyed the creative way she got over her fear and let her faithful dog help her. As always, please feel free to share with your friends.