“Rocky can’t decide if he likes having a new puppy in the house”
Bringing a new puppy into the home is a big decision. How will the dogs be introduced? How will they get along? Will the adult be jealous of the new puppy? All these are valid questions and then there is the whole sibling rivalry thing that’s bound to happen.

Little brothers and sisters can be adorable yet annoying. No longer is big brother Rocky the center of attention soaking up all the love, the puppy is so cute that it’s impossible to look away. Everyone wants to pet the new puppy and share all their treats.
Maybe that is why when Rocky first meets this fluffy bundle of puppy adorableness, the first thing he does is show his teeth. He’s not sure he wants to share the spotlight with another German shepherd, especially one so tiny and sweet.

But, don’t worry about the show of teeth, the puppy isn’t concerned at all. In fact, it’s one big yawn for the little guy which causes Rocky to yawn, too. Oops, is that a little growl from Rocky? It can’t be, how can you growl at such puppy perfection?
“That’s okay, you growl at me, I’ll just chew this bed,” the puppy seems to say while Rocky sorts out his attitude. Surely, Rocky won’t be able to resist such an adorable puppy for long and soon enough the two of them will become best friends.

Already warming up to the friend idea, Rocky and the puppy begin to share a toy. How cute is that? The two already have something in common, they both love to play with stuffies and are happily sharing with each other.
It’s so cute that Rocky is allowing the little puppy into his heart and home. He’ll soon become a perfect big brother teaching the puppy how to get into all sorts of mischief. It won’t be long before they are inseparable friends.

The puppy has a lot of growing to do before it will be as big and strong as Rocky. In the meantime, Rocky will love and protect the new puppy. Once he’s a little more used to the idea that he’ll have to learn to share his humans, life will be nothing but an adventure with a new friend at his side.
We hope you enjoyed this video of Rocky meeting the new puppy. Both the dogs are beautiful German shepherds that are so fun to watch. We can’t get enough of these two. Please feel free to share them with your friends.