“Do you recognize any of your dog’s funny behaviors in this hilarious video?”
German shepherds have a reputation for being smart, brave, and loyal. But true German shepherd lovers know they have a secret side to their personality that makes them all the more lovable.
They’re funny!
When German shepherds aren’t busy showing off how awesome they are, they are often found making their owners laugh. At times, they’re so hysterical it’s as though they have a stealthy sense of humor that is just waiting to come out.

If you’ve never considered German shepherds funny before, you’re in for a laugh because this video proves just how entertaining they can be.
Check out this strong dog who is impressing his owners with athletic abilities. As he carries his heavy tire as though it’s as light as a pool noodle, he takes a tumble down the stairs. But true to German shepherd athleticism, he doesn’t let it slow him down a bit.
Next, a silly puppy is testing the water in his bowl. Is the water worthy of drinking or is it suited for better uses? Watch and find out.

German shepherds are known for their iconic head tilts. And, they don’t get much cuter than when they tilt their head while listening to their owner talk to them. But these two tilting their heads in unison is so adorable it’s funny.
Next, a sleeping shepherd delivers a right hook while its owner is playing with its toe beans. This is a cute reminder that the ever-observant shepherd will always have the last laugh.
The inquisitive expression on the face of a beautiful long-haired German shepherd is priceless when its prize vanishes into thin air. Where did my new bouncy ball go?

Leo thinks it funny to help un-decorate the Christmas tree but not only do things become undone, but his owner isn’t pleased. But, we’re pretty sure in his mind, he was just determined to get to those balls that were just hanging there waiting to be played with.
But, Leo isn’t the only sheppy to get into mischief. The next one is apparently tired of hearing the vacuum so it just unplugs it from the wall and runs off. Ahhhh, peace at last.
There are lots of things to teach a funny shepherd, like playing hide and seek and refusing to go to bed. But, ringing a big loud bell probably shouldn’t be on the top of your list otherwise you’ll have to deal with a gong-like doggo.

German shepherds are also known to be vocal dogs. Sure, they can be trained to be quiet. But this funny dog is ready to sing the song of his people and doesn’t care that his dad is on an important work call. And, even when Mom holds his muzzle shut, he still belts it out.
All of these dogs are funny and will give you a glimpse of what life is like living with them. One thing is for sure, they’re never boring and are always good for a laugh. They can make even the worst day a bit better.
We hope you enjoyed this funny video. As always, please feel free to share with your friends.