“Who else needs a dog that can clean up after themselves?”
Do you ever wonder where everyone disappears to when it’s time to do chores? Suddenly it seems that everyone is busy with other more important things than cleaning the shower or taking out the trash.
If you have someone in your life that willingly pitches in to help you do housework, you’ve got a true friend. Don’t let them go because friends like that are few and far between, especially when they have four legs and fur.

Take this two-year-old German shepherd named Baron, for example. Baron has lived with dog trainer Linda Riley and her son, Alexander since he was twelve weeks old. As Baron grew up, they discovered that he loves to do chores.
Baron is very clever and started his training the day Linda brought him home. He caught on very quickly and was soon learning all sorts of commands and tricks. He loved to learn and was super eager to please.

Since Baron liked to keep busy, soon he started helping around the house. Not only can he clean his nose art off the windows, but he can also mop the floors (which is super handy since German shepherds shed so much).
He doesn’t mind emptying the dishwasher, sweeping the floors before he mops, or even dusting the furniture. He can load and unload the washer and dryer, and to help save electricity, he can turn the lights on and off.

Also, with Baron in the house, it’s like Alexander has his own personal valet because Baron goes behind the young boy and puts the toilet seat down when Alexander forgets. We’re sure Alexander loves all the chores that Baron takes off his plate, too.
Despite all Baron’s hard work, it’s all in the name of fun. They don’t push the dog and he enjoys keeping busy around the house. According to mom, Alexander and Baron are “joined at the hip” and are best friends, too. Alexander and Baron even help each other pick up their toys.

Baron is such a smart and special dog. When he’s not busy cleaning up around the house, he’s carefully watching over his family and making sure that Alexander is always safe. The two besties are so lucky to have each other.
We hope you enjoyed this video of Baron and his amazing skills. Does it make you want to teach your dog how to do some chores? As always, please feel free to share with your friends.