“Gone but never forgotten, K9 Tommy takes his last ride”
The hardest part of owning a dog is having to say goodbye. But when your dog is your K9 partner and best friend, the final farewell is full of tears and a tribute to the best friend you could ever have.
When it was time to say goodbye to K9 Tommy, officers across Ohio, their K9s, veterinarians, and the public lined up to say goodbye to a special K9.

In a heartbreaking moment, a flag-draped Tommy was loaded into the police vehicle and his watch ended for the final time.
Attention all units, please no traffic for K9 Tommy.
“This is a final call for parks and watercraft K9 Tommy.”

“You were a faithful partner to 3280, Officer Jeremy Berger. Thank you for being a good boy and protecting your partner and the citizens of Ohio. Your watch has now ended. Rest well. You are gone but never forgotten.”
“End of watch for K9 Tommy, on August 26, 2022. Please enjoy a moment of silence in honor of his service.”

Goodbye, K9 Tommy. Tommy was euthanized at Blanchard Valley Veterinary Clinic in Findlay after battling aggressive cancer.
Tommy served the Ohio Department of Natural Resources for five years. Tommy was 7 years old and performed many duties, such as drug and human remains detection.

Sgt. Tom Miller of the Hancock County Sheriff’s Office said Tommy and Officer Berger were an important part of the Northwest Ohio K9 Group. Several K9 officers from various agencies and their handlers came to say goodbye to Tommy, including Sgt. Miller and his K9 Sonny.
Our hearts go out to Officer Berger and the entire department. K9s are such a special part of law enforcement and any time they lose one, they lose more than an officer, they lose their partner and best friend.

There are no dry eyes in the house during this moving tribute. We hope that you enjoyed it and share it with your friends.