“This dog has amazing focus-check him out when the other dog is trying to get him to play on the beach”
This retired Army Special Forces dog truly is special!
Guge is a retired Special Forces dog that is living out his retirement years with his dad. But just because he’s retired, that doesn’t mean he’s slowed down any.

Guge is still a very active dog and very impressive. He loves to stare down at his dad until he takes him out to play. He can resist all distractions (even cute dogs who want to play at the beach), can salute, and has a lot of discipline.
This is no surprise because his dad is also retired from the Army where he was a Special Ops Military Dog Handler. Now, he keeps in shape with Guge by doing exercises on the beach and practicing their training.

Even though Guge is a little older now, Steve wants to keep him fit and active and enjoying the beach for as long as he can. Guge also spends some time on the underwater treadmill to keep his muscle tone, strength, and flexibility.
Even though the two of them are retired, they don’t let any grass grow under their feet (or paws). They both keep their skills sharp and are ready for whatever the day brings, which is usually spending time outside in the gorgeous coastal outdoors.

Steve makes sure that Guge remains disciplined and practices his focus and training all the time. The two are very bonded and enjoy working and training together. Steve provides Guge with plenty of challenges and mental stimulation to keep him happy, too.
But life is not all work, playing in the sand, taking a dip in the sea, or jogging along the dunes are all part of Guge’s retirement after all the time he spent serving his country.

This Special Forces dog certainly deserves this amazing retirement, which doesn’t include lots of relaxing on the couch, which is great with him. He’s just the best brave boy living his best life with the person who loves him.
We hope you enjoyed watching this special dog. Thank you for your service, Guge. Please feel free to share this video with your friends.