“Even though he’s gentle, the way she pushes his nose is adorable”
Lucky for these kittens, this German shepherd is a big softy when it comes to the babies.
A momma cat has recently given birth and is nestled on a bed, safely nursing her kittens. Cats are naturally protective of their kittens and like to nurse them in private. They like a calm environment and can get easily stressed.
Stressed cats can get aggressive so what will happen when this German shepherd meets her little family for the first time?

Turns out it’s an adorable introduction.
The naturally curious German shepherd is obviously friendly with cats and rushes in to see these new friends. He carefully jumps up on the bed and is greeted by a pile of colorful newborn kittens. In truth, he looks a bit overwhelmed by it all.
Momma cat doesn’t seem scared but she also keeps her kittens close. As the curious shepherd sniffs the tiny cats, momma cat gently pushes on his nose as if to say, “I’m watching you, one false move…”

But she doesn’t need to worry, the dog is gentle and merely curious about the newborns. Of course, he wants to see who these new creatures living in his house are. Slowly momma cat begins to relax while the kittens nurse without a care in the world.
The German shepherd decides he’ll stick around a while and lays down on the bed to watch his kitty friends. Momma isn’t so sure about this so she tries to keep her kittens to herself. Soon curiosity takes over and there is more investigating going on.
The family of cats and the German shepherd are too adorable for words. We’re sure soon enough this dog will be following rambunctious kittens all around the house. The peace and quiet of this moment will soon be gone once the kittens are a little bigger and all about having fun.

We hope you enjoy this sweet video. As always, please feel free to share with your friends.